martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

                                                        A stubborn bear .
     Once upon a time, there was a family of bears that lived in the blue forest, near the city Orange. Father Bear worked colleting honey, and Mother Bear worked making canisters to keep honey. Andy was a mess he never tidied his bedroom and always fought with his sister.
    Father Bear went to Andy’s bedroom, and found all dirty; books, notebooks, toys and clothes in the floor. At lunch, Mother Bear asked him, if he could change, and Andy was very angry threw the plate with food away and ran.
    Mother Bear and Alexa were very worried about Andy .Then Father Bear and some animals organized a rescue group. They searched all night, and they didn’t find him. Andy walked and ate fruit, until; he fell asleep under a light blue tree.
    Arrived to help in the search, Rabbit, Yellow Bird and Purple Ant. Rabbit were looking on the floor; Yellow Bird was looking in the sky, and Purple Ant, encouraged Father Bear in his shoulder. When Andy awoke, he didn’t remember anything, he was scared and began to cry strongly .Then Purple Ant heard is Andy cry, and Father Bear said: it is Andy! : He was very happy. Ran to her Father and promised for all the honey in the world that he would be tidy.
  Finally, Mother Bear and Alexa prepared a welcome party for Andy and the rescue group.

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